How to handle missing data using Python: A quick guide

Ramanpreet Bhatia
2 min readMar 20, 2023

Missing data is a common problem in datasets that can occur due to various reasons such as data entry errors, measurement errors or simply due to the absence of a value. Dealing with missing data is crucial for accurate analysis and modeling. In this article, we will discuss how to handle missing data using Python.

Identifying Missing Data: The first step in dealing with missing data is to identify which values are missing. The pandas library in Python provides a method called isnull() which returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value is missing or not. We can use this method to identify missing values in a dataset.

Handling Missing Data: Once we have identified missing data, the next step is to handle it. There are various techniques to handle missing data such as:

  1. Dropping missing values: We can simply drop the missing values from the dataset using the dropna() method in pandas. However, this approach may not be feasible if the missing values represent a significant portion of the dataset.
  2. Imputing missing values: Imputing involves filling in the missing values with estimated values. We can use the fillna() method in pandas to fill the missing values with a particular value such as mean or median.
  3. Using advanced imputation methods: There are various advanced imputation methods available such as K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) imputation or Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (MICE) imputation. We can use libraries like Scikit-learn or fancyimpute to implement these methods.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Handling Missing Data: To evaluate the effectiveness of handling missing data, we can use various metrics such as mean squared error, correlation coefficient or cross-validation. These metrics can help us determine how well the imputed values match the actual values.

Conclusion: In this article, we discussed how to identify and handle missing data using Python. We saw that identifying missing data is the first step and we can use the isnull() method in pandas for this. We also discussed various techniques for handling missing data such as dropping missing values, imputing missing values or using advanced imputation methods. Finally, we discussed how to evaluate the effectiveness of handling missing data using various metrics. By properly handling missing data, we can ensure accurate and reliable analysis and modeling.



Ramanpreet Bhatia

A computer scientist who is passionate about making sense of data.